The Magic Realist

Time To Purge

Revelation of Inconvenient Truth

Now and then, a good purging brings psychic relief.
The mind clutter accumulates to the degree
Of processor malfunction and crash of hard drive.
Within once in an episode I must take five.
Sometimes it takes a minute. Then four are left free
To engage in pure nonsense beyond all belief.

Opposition to powerful pressures have I
That exert from external things and from within.
Energies being tested are damned to be mine.
Yet the creative process does suit me just fine.
Letting go of old patterns is where to begin
Painting on a fresh canvas. Need I ponder why?

Holding on makes more difficult keeping one’s cool
While traversing the turmoil and treasure life holds.
Sadness is so sensational, and the good news
Is the next entertainment most sane people choose.
Some perk up when disaster or trouble unfolds.
One who voices disgust is then labeled a fool.

We define human nature by how we behave.
Is it within my power alone to affect
Anything in the real world if I am confused
By the purposeful rubbish so widely excused
As benign and delightful? With all due respect
Any word from our sponsor is meant to enslave.

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