The Magic Realist

The Nodes And My Modes


The moon’s nodes form an arrow. It has a force field
That is grossly magnetic. It pulls on the earth
As it points to the way that my spirit should grow.
On the wheel of the natal chart, it’s good to know
Where the point and the feathered part were at my birth.
Therein are profound secrets that must be revealed.

Some folk say it’s a dragon with a head and tail.
But it makes not a difference. All see the same.
We all came with some talents that we perform well.
We have also deficiencies that often tell
Where we need to put focus. I cannot disclaim
Where the arrow is pointing, so I must prevail.

From the earth and the intellect, I’m pointed to
That which I cannot fathom. Aquatic and vague
Is the nature of nonsense and being at ease.
I find comfort and safety in my expertise.
I cannot just avoid what is not, like the plague.
I have come to seek balance, and it shall ensue.

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