The Magic Realist

Stop Lying To Yourself

Get A Glimpse Of Truth

What takes place in the real world cannot be as real
As the essence within you that knows only truth.
It’s our nature to lie even about feelings.
So much of what is false we get from our dealings
With others whose tactics are profoundly uncouth.
To the ignorant masses it has much appeal.

Thoughts of Mother Teresa are relevant here.
People are often self-centered, irrational,
And unreasonable. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind there will be people who betray
And accuse you of selfishness. Some of them shall
Turn out to be your enemies within your sphere.

But be kind anyway. If you are successful
You will win some unfaithful friends and enemies.
Succeed anyway. If you’re honest and sincere
People may deceive you, but decide to adhere
To your quest for success. Don’t let anyone seize
Your passion or ability to be joyful.

What you spend years creating others can destroy
Overnight, but create anyway. If you find
Happiness and serenity, some are jealous
But be happy anyway. Don’t take on the fuss
Of those who choose to be in that ill way inclined.
Do what it takes to keep yourself centered in joy.

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