The Magic Realist

Sensory Maintenance

Fresh Emotional Shift

Personal and subjective concerns override
Everything else. It need not be too difficult
To arrange time together with those of our kin.
Our most sensitive feelings grow from deep within
And exude positive energy. The result
Is a smooth running engine of love amplified.

Systems such as relationships can use a tweak
Frequency of the tuning is never too high.
But to share an adventure is for the old soul
A delightfully bright day. It keeps the heart whole.
For the young one curiosity is the sky.
Bonds remain ever solid. They never grow weak.

Investigative research can be done, one sees,
On what makes a good friendship endure through the years
By those who do behavioral science the best.
Those would be all the doctors. Their views are professed
To define what is normal and that which best clears
Any integral structure of psychic disease.

What all can be accomplished will more than suffice
When it comes to fulfillment in time spent with care
For the ones we most cherish. Much more may be said
But if I keep it up, at some point I’ll drop dead
Since it’s way past my bedtime. So just to be fair
I will end this one here, and I shall not think twice.

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