The Magic Realist

Only When You’re Excited

When Momentum Has Built Up

I create when I’m happy. It’s a piece of cake
I can eat and have also. There is always more
Where it came from. It feels like I’m dancing on air.
I can do almost anything, and I’m aware
Of the good that keeps coming. I’ve opened the door
To a world of excitement. I’m now wide awake.

Excuses I hold onto are anchors of fear
Of my moving ahead with what I want to do.
I’m bogged down in the details of life as it seems
And there’s not enough time to attend to my dreams.
I can manage my focus to better get through
Difficult situations. I can remain clear.

“Make no effort unless you are feeling your best.”
It’s a motto I live by. If I feel despair
Or discomfort of any kind, I must chill out.
Any action taken will be laden with doubt.
If I’m stuck in that circumstance I must take care
That I don’t bite off way more than I can digest.

Only when I’m excited can I be of use
To myself and to others. I’m able to see
The whole world as does heaven – a near perfect place
That has not been receptive to infinite grace
In the past, which is now. I am able to be
In a state where my greatest work I can produce.

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