The Magic Realist

Mundane Fulfillment

The Bareness of Necessity

Needs are human and many. Some strive to have none.
But that’s damned near impossible for most of us.
One adopts a good mantra. “I Love You,” is one
Intertwined with survival as good deeds are done
With the least expectation. Life is delicious
The less needy the self becomes in the long run.

If the man says he loves her, but then has to leave
One may ask, “If he loves her, why then must he go?”
He may tell her that he must get back to his wife
Feeling brutally honest and free about life.
Needs are meant for fulfillment, as most people know
So there’s no sense in anyone feeling naïve.

 Neediness is not evil, nor is it ugly.
It’s a fractal derivative of fulfillment.
We must know what to call it and not give it weight
So that toxic relationships we’ll not create.
Keeping life free and simple will lead to content.
Living life in fulfillment is done easily.

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