The Magic Realist

Mission Underground

A Mischievous Trio

Dedicated to mischief, this trio consists
Of a witch, a dead boy, and a handsome devil.
Halloween is their best time, for they trick or treat
The dark underground mission, secret and discrete.
Count on them to wreak havoc. For them, it’s a thrill.
They love messing with Christmas and all that exists.

Keeping secrets they do well, but they often break
Promises made because they had their fingers crossed.
Strategies of rebellion they use to reach goals.
The best mask that is worn is the one that extols
The true self in pure essence. No honor is lost
In pursuit of the mission. No chance will they take.

Boogie’s humorous henchmen, together always,
Sometimes get into arguments over small stuff.
Shock will solve disagreements quickly, if she can.
Being the most intelligent and not a man,
She believes she should lead, but she has not enough
Of an ego to overcome those she can’t praise.

What these three have in common is that they’re unique,
Individually and as one wicked team.
They are sharp and dependable for any job,
Like kidnapping or planning the next place to rob.
When it’s called for, they will go to any extreme
To complete the assignment with evil mystique.

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