The Magic Realist

Little Lady

Artistically Spirited

Most artistic and regal, this spirited one
Loves attention. In public she wants to be seen
As a poised and proud lady with special talents.
Her imagination gives her self-confidence.
She is destined in this way to some day be queen.
Emulating role models is easily done.

She may be somewhat prissy and like a spoiled brat
But we all have our issues. She’s not yet of age.
Tattling on her brothers when things don’t go her way
Makes good sense in the moment. It’s all but fair play.
Knowing how to win fights well, her charm she’ll engage.
She’s a super-sized package for one little cat.

A hopeless romantic and daydreamer at heart,
Frequently she is lost sighing deeply in thought.
She appears to be too carefree and danger prone
Since she’s had little practice standing on her own.
Rarely does anything really get her distraught.
With her head in the clouds she performs her best part.

Certain she can help you to show others you know
How wonderful you are is her magical gift
Offered to anyone who’s in need of esteem
The depletion of which is a horror extreme.
Relying on her ability to uplift
In the real world or fiction is the way to go.

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