The Magic Realist


Dullness Intolerant

Social duties bisect me. Myself I’m beside
With the head of a chicken yet firmly attached
To the lifestyle prevailing. I make long-range plans
As do all other creatures of finite lifespans.
Any right course of action is perfectly matched
With a foolish behavior. I’ll take it in stride.

Basic needs of the ego are met everyday
By prioritization of mundane affairs.
In an orderly manner I’d like to behave.
Though I worry that I may become my own slave
Or the one of another, my better half cares
That my part in life’s puzzle will fit the right way.

Clear, objective decisions I make now and then.
The predictable cycle is but to observe.
Simply being aware of when fog settles in
Is the soul best discouraged from committing sin.
I can choose to be wholesome if I grab the nerve
That I had in the past and will have once again.

When I’m lost, my profession can suffer a blow.
I may lose my connection and purpose to be.
I become my own product that’s worthy of sale
When I’m found through the struggle. Then I must prevail
On my path somewhat Half-Cocked but most willingly
  Open-minded to learning much more than I know.

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