The Magic Realist

Getting Through

Breaking Through to the Point

What nature of congestion defines Getting Through,
Meaning there’s nothing visible to my intent
To make sense and deliver truth where it must go?
Solid form can’t exist unless I get to know
How I best can dissolve it and not circumvent
My established path forward. What else can I do?

Well, I could buy into the myth that there’s a wall
Blocking me from advancement and simply turn back
Due to lack of self-confidence and something more
That is extremely hard to access at its core.
Giving up means accepting societal flack.
Sufficient it is to make one feel rather small.

Another option would be to go believing
Still that there’s a big obstacle right in the way.
So, prepared for collision, but shy a helmet,
Severe damage is eminent, to one’s regret.
Traumatized and reluctant is how one may stay.
Misfortune with this choice cannot be surprising.

With reasoned objectivity and focused thought
I can get where I’m going. The path is made clear
By directing awareness beyond what is real.
Entities nonexistent beget not ordeal.
Breaking out of my old ways is not done in fear.
I select which life lessons I need to be taught.

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