The Magic Realist

Eye to Eye

Don’t look down on another nor up to the law.
Meet someone eye to eye. You then both will stand tall.
Looking down on a person, one harbors disdain.
Looking up, you’ll exalt one beyond what is sane.
Look a person straight on. That would be the best call.
If you can’t see directly, then you must withdraw.

That dear one you spend time with who bites your behind
Is the same as you are in the most basic ways.
You both honor the fact that you both are alive.
Life is finite. You don’t have the ass to deprive
Someone else nor yourself of God’s infinite praise.
As we see eye to eye, do we bear that in mind?

As you wake, and you put your first foot to the floor
Thank the Lord that you have one, and that you’re alive.
That sounds cliché and petty by now, but at least
The rat bastard and you aren’t among the deceased.
That is not such a bad thing. We’re here to survive
And the webs that we weave we can never ignore.

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