The Magic Realist

Exam Fear

Examination Anxiety

I’m somewhat unprepared, therefore, I appear scared.
Had I known that my whole life would be an exam,
I would not have entered into such a contract
Such that fear overcomes me with stunning impact.
My life I feel as study. In earnest I cram
For the uncertain moment. Why can’t I be spared?

Flight instructors will turn off the engine in flight
Unbeknownst to the student. One must be prepared
To notice when there’s danger and how to react.
There is tension involved. That remains a cold fact.
Life and death situations are equally shared
Among all of life’s students, whether wrong or right.

Suppose that the flight teacher notices no fear
And the student performs all the actions required.
Many teachers, in kindness, would express concern
That a fear about dying the odd one should learn.
Fear as qualification should not be desired
As the keystone of learning. That’s rather austere.

Memorize and regurgitate, then make the grade.
We promulgate deception. What is the purpose
Other than to look better compared to the rest?
It’s no trick for the mindless to pass a damned test!
When someone else’s failure leads to my smugness
What a mockery of education we’ve made!

Failure in the small story can cause some lament
For a brief moment. The qualifications of
Alertness and a willingness to fully know
What it is that excites people will make them grow.
Opportunity fits like the hand in the glove
To those free of Exam Fear who live in content.

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