The Magic Realist

Duodenal Diesel

Incongruance of Purpose

We’re Duodenal Diesel. We suck from earth’s gut
Her most coveted resources without a care
For her health and wellbeing. We Do This For You!
We believe our dear mother deserves a good screw.
We excel at earth fucking. We’re known everywhere
As your Whole Earth co-owner with motives clear-cut.

Volatile amber liquid as toxic as tea
Brewed to putrid perfection, it moves resources
And your fat asses hither… then thither and yon.
Asses continue moving from dusk until dawn…
Then again into sunset. Habit enforces
Numbing of your perceptions so that you won’t see.

All our moving about on this earth has become
An erect carbon footprint that points to the sky.
Movement does cause excitement for such phallic drive.
Ill-prepared for the climax, we may not survive.
But at least we’ll not care about wondering why
To Duodenal Diesel we should not succumb.

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