The Magic Realist

Data Loss


Putting all eggs in one basket does me no good
For who knows when the next scheduled screwup will come?
Data are much like eggs these days. I’ll cry out loud
Because I’ve put my trust in someone else’s cloud.
Now I feel kind of empty like I’ve been struck dumb.
I can see I own nothing. This is understood.

Do I own the Machine or is it lord of me?
That I must ask the question should give all some pause.
I’m not all for technology. It serves us well.
In return, though, it puts people through lives of hell.
Common sense remains missing from our noble cause
So some end up as losers, unfortunately.

So, I’ve lost all my data. I’ll just start from scratch
Like the birds of the barnyard do better than I.
Eggs are easily made, but containers are not.
Can I make my life simpler? I’ll give that a shot
Since there’s no other choice other than to comply
With humanity’s master. I’m free to detach.

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