The Magic Realist

Banking On Skill

An Amicable Wit

Watching people fulfills me. Like cash in the bank,
I observe my surroundings. I’ll invest my wit
And most warm-hearted charm for the highest return.
The message I deliver is of high concern.
To good humor and honesty I must commit.
As my value increases, I have all to thank.

Being part of a group fully satisfies me.
When the chance to take charge occurs, I can’t be shy.
Dedicated and intelligent a leader
I can be when it’s needed. My friends all concur.
Friendship I know is one gift that money can’t buy.
Curiosity blesses my heart with esprit.

 I enjoy my wisecracking as do all my friends.
My pal, Mister Potato Head and I perform
Like a fine comic duo. We make a great team.
We come into the picture when things get extreme
To the point where it becomes a toy fecal storm.
Being more than resourceful earns high dividends.

Technological genius my friends rely on
And I’m proud to give service when called to do so.
Nothing much can upset me to where I will break
And be mixed with my assets in pieces. Forsake
Will I not what I’m worth with an improper show.
  That I’m fortunate is a conclusion forgone.

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