The Magic Realist

An Adventurous Spirit

Idealistically Headstrong

You risk everything you know. The dreams you pursue
Bring about transformation total and complete.
Headstrong and quite artistic, the thing you long for
Is far different from what had once been your core.
Yours are intense emotions that know no defeat.
Others warn you of hazards, but you follow through.

With the voice of an angel and mystical charm,
Creatures outside the palace walls are your best friends.
Your sweet singing, daydreaming, and adventuring
Coalesce in a powerful potion to bring
All that you most desire. Your intention transcends
Obstacles in your path and all that may do harm.

You take full responsibility for your acts
Even if they cause problems. Sincere and contrite,
Arguments you can handle. You diplomacy
In heated situations comes naturally.
Selflessness and compassion you offer despite
The antagonistic who have only raw facts.

Emergence into this world from life under sea
Takes phenomenal courage. Within the unknown
Is the chance for disaster or true happiness.
Feeling free in the comfort of heaven’s caress,
Happily ever after and not near a throne,
You have chosen adventure, and all must agree.

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