The Magic Realist

Running On Empty


It all starts with a thought that you didn’t ask for
And that you never wanted, but now that it’s here,
The game has changed because the thought isn’t your friend.
It’s not telling you what your heart would recommend
To uplift you. Instead an unspeakable fear
Overcomes you. It’s something that’s hard to ignore.

The thought grows as it festers. It takes on a voice
That tells you that you’re finished because you’re too weak
To go on. It reminds you of what you have been
In the past. You don’t need to go back there again.
From an empty well does the voice within you speak.
You can listen to it or not. It is your choice.

Softly at first, then a little louder it gets
Gradually increasing in volume until
It’s become a strong point of attraction for you.
You know in your gut that what it says isn’t true.
What you want to do is to remember the thrill
That you had once. It’s one of your greatest assets.

When you meet some resistance, your limits have not
Even been tested. Obstacles don’t make the goal
Any more or less real. They’re an indication
That simply some adjustment will need to be done,
So just do it and know that it will make you whole.
You’re not running on empty – just in the same spot.

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