The Magic Realist

You Don’t Create Alone


Your Vortex of Creation is filled with all kinds
Of things that you’ve created ever since day one
Of existence. It’s accessed vibrationally.
When you’re feeling good, things that you’ve put there will be
Your reality. So simply by having fun,
You can manifest. This fact boggles people’s minds.

It comes in perfect timing. Sometimes it will be
An idea or impulse to act in a way
That would not have occurred to you were you not in
The right place at the right time, and as you begin
To see your life as one huge, magnificent play,
All kinds of opportunities then you will see.

Start hanging around people who are uplifting.
We are each a cooperative component
Of another – or others. You are not alone.
We provide one another what needs to be known
To create. We are gathered by conscious intent.
To the table, the best of our true selves we bring.

You don’t need to be the single-handed, mighty
Creator of your own life. Much help is at hand.
In your determination to act correctly
For approval from others, let down you will be.
Your creative spirit is made free to expand
In a world so abundant in variety.

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