The Magic Realist

You Are Mostly Vibration

Essence Of Beingness

You’re a flesh and blood human being, this is true,
No one would dare refute it. You’re made of the stuff
Of the physical universe, but you’re also
Just the tip of an iceberg. The more that you know
About who you are truly, you will get enough
Out of life to significantly fulfill you.

You Are Mostly Vibration. It means that you are
Mostly spirit or essence – that which is unseen
But which transmits a signal that is received by
Others in your environment. One can’t deny
That vibration is real. One whose senses are keen
Is the one who is seen as grotesque and bizarre.

Your manifested body wants to manifest
In the physical. You want things to come to you.
So, let it be about how you feel for a while.
Don’t let negative thought put a cramp in your style,
And do not justify anything that you do.
Positivity in thinking must be expressed.

When you’re just in a happy place, things can occur
In spontaneous fashion. Good ideas flow
As well as inspiration. Things are working out
Without your need to see them… which indicates doubt.
That you have asked for it is all you need to know.
All that you have to do now is get happier.

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