The Magic Realist

Special Delivery

A Present For The Present

If I don’t want it that much, it comes easily.
General desires carry the least resistance.
If I really want something and really believe
That I’ll get it, then it is by law I’ll receive
What I want in a hurry. It isn’t by chance.
Anything that I focus on must come to be.

Wanting something badly and believing it will
Never happen will cause me to struggle within.
Keeping up that momentum creates agony.
I must do all that I can to keep myself free
Of a bleak situation, therein I begin
Writing a new contract that my heart will fulfill.

It is by expectation that things manifest
Into my life – the good, the bad, and the ugly.
My focus on the good things in life is a must.
In the long run, I am much more willing to trust
That in my life, the things I want will come to me.
No matter what I’m going through, I know I’m blessed.

The key is to want something not too much then let
The desire for it grow naturally. It will
Gather momentum. Things begin picking up speed.
I’ll end up with a healthy desire – not from need,
But through my expectation and leaning to chill.
My belief in myself is my greatest asset.

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