The Magic Realist

Receive What You Deserve

Accept Waht Is Yours

You are more than deserving of all that is good.
You may nurture the mindset of comparison,
And in determination, you’re made unworthy,
Which is far from spiritual reality.
There’s a price to be paid for every solution
To a problem. This may be how life’s understood.

The price is your alignment through nonresistance.
You pay ease and not struggle. Get this squared away
In your mind. You’re surrounded by a nucleus
Of wellbeing and prosperity, so don’t fuss
About anything because it causes delay.
Alignment can do wonders if given the chance.

Be released from the armor you fearfully don
To protect you from goodness. Can you let it in?
You picked up your armor from what others told you
From the time you were little, and much has to do
With your being unworthy. When do you begin
To feel that your sense of your alignment is gone?

“The meek shall inherit the earth” someone once said.
Meekness means nonresistance. It means allowing
The surrounding soup of providence to become
The reality. Peace is where your strength comes from.
You evolve into a deeper understanding
Of your path in life as you are looking ahead.

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