The Magic Realist

Push The Launch Button

Get Things Started

You’re the creator of your own reality.
Your life is like a rocket ship ready to go.
You’re moments from blast off. Why on earth do you wait?
Live your life to its fullest before it’s too late
To create all you wanted to. This much you owe
To yourself. You must be all that you want to be.

Creating your own reality is about
A conscious way to choose what you want to occur
By adjusting your thoughts, beliefs, and perspectives
To those of your true spirit who constantly lives
Blissfulness and full clarity. What you prefer
Is your spirit’s only concern without a doubt.

You get what you focus your attention upon.
If it’s rubbish then that is what you’ll manifest
But if you have a dream that you want to come true
Then there is only one thing that you have to do.
Focus on it only and you will do your best.
You have universal forces to rely on.

There is a close connection between attraction
And creation. The Law of Attraction helps you
To know your own potential by testing it out.
Manifestations wipe away lingering doubt
That you get what you ask for. You are the one who
Is meant to push the button on new life begun.

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