The Magic Realist


On The Spot

Worthiness was at issue. I needed a new
Place to work at because of utter frustration
With my purpose and how I was being treated.
I did not want my mistake to be repeated.
There was no tolerating my situation.
I knew perfectly well what I needed to do.

Several rounds of interviews I scheduled for.
I could not be successful in them because I
Had the imprint of anger in my vibration.
I was not happy with my messed up creation.
I went on for a long while without knowing why
I’d been harming myself by things that I abhor.

So I made peace with the people and policies
Of the place where I still worked and then I went on
To the next interview feeling so lighthearted
That I knew that I had it before it started.
The contempt that I once had was completely gone.
I engaged the interview with uncommon ease.

At the end of the interview they offered me
The position with the pay that I had in mind.
They augmented the job description to include
Things that I adore. My faith in life is renewed.
With my true self I had become fully aligned.
I’d lined up with the power of Source Energy.

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