The Magic Realist

Focus On Why

Joyful Expectation

Why is it so important to Focus On Why?
Because that speaks to your desire generally.
Answering this question puts you in the right place
Of rampaging your way via infinite grace.
Wonderful thoughts can fill up your mind completely.
Answer the question righteously. Do not be shy.

You can answer this kind of question easily,
But if you ask, “Where is it going to come from?
Who is going to bring it? How long will it take?”

You cannot know the answers. Give yourself a break
From frustration. Believe that what you want will come
In good time. From the angst you can get yourself free.

Why do you want what you want? “I want it because
I’ll feel better by having it, and I’m worthy
Of the things that I ask for. I’m the creator
Of my reality, and what I’m asking for
Is a natural consequence meant just for me.
I believe in the truth of spiritual laws.”

“It’s so much fun to get my hands into the clay
And to mold it. I want to feel my own power
And to know that there are nonphysical forces
Working for me. The whole universe endorses
What I wish for, and I expect it to shower
Me with blessings.”
You can learn to speak in this way.

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