The Magic Realist


Manifest Happiness

What is in your Vortex that you’d like to define?
Find some simple thing that you know is over there
Such as a state of clarity and fulfillment.
What is there that you want? Are you in alignment
With its coming? All you need to do is to care
How you feel in each moment. Each one you design.

What is there that is missing? What is there that you
Cannot find yet in your daily experience?
Your Vortex of Creation contains everything
That you have ever wanted. It’s ready to bring
Them all to you. The volume of it is immense.
The more that you are wanting, the more you accrue.

What do you want that you don’t have? Pick something close
To your heart, but do not concern yourself with how
It will happen. The best question to ask is, “Why?”
This speeds up your momentum. The more that you try
To make things happen, the less blessing you allow.
In the reason ‘why’ you want it, you may engross.

The ’how’ will almost every time cause you to lose
Your connection to who you are, and you may stray
From the path, but the ‘why’ gives you more energy
To explore possibilities. Thus, you are free
Of the struggle of making things turn out your way.
Why you want to have something is always good news.

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