The Magic Realist

Be Nice To Yourself

Celebrate Who You Are

You know you’re an uplifter. You were born that way.
Your best work, or awareness, or focus should be
On maintaining your vibrational atmosphere.
It takes constant attention, and you’ve made it clear
To the universe you were meant to be happy.
Allowing the wellbeing to you is child’s play.

It’s all about reception. Selective sifting
Through the contrast life offers, your best influence
You are most advocating. Your preparation
For the launching of your wildest dreams has begun.
The advantage you have is renewed confidence
In your quest to be eternally uplifting.

So, be nice to you. Rest well, eat well, and get out
Where there are beautiful things. Think thoughts that feel good.
Your receptive mode has to be attended to
Which means Be Nice To Yourself in all that you do.
That you must be delighted is well understood
By yourself and the universe beyond all doubt.

Advocate for yourself. Pick your favorite thing,
Whatever on the planet it is, then pretend
That you are it. Treat yourself as you would treat that.
Prepare for the conclusions that you’ll arrive at.
There’s no other advice that one could recommend
Than to be receptive to your own wellbeing.

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