The Magic Realist

Abundance Unhidden

Treasure Revealed

Everywhere there’s a treasure chest filled with desires
Open widely for access whenever I want.
Many of them are visible. Some are unseen,
But they’re noticed when I keep my vibration clean.
Any change in my path is a synchronous jaunt
Into worlds made unhidden as my heart requires.

Time indeed is irrelevant. This moment new
Is the one most important. Who I am right now
Is a different person from moments ago.
Looking back on that gone self can’t help me to grow
To my fullest potential. I then must allow
All the wealth of wellbeing that is overdue.

The most hugely significant things taking place,
Though they’re cosmic by nature, aren’t of much concern
To the average self. Yet if I start from there
It becomes a lot easier to be aware
Of all else that I have. I have no need to yearn
For what’s already given by infinite grace.

Examples of abundance to take notice of
Are things like warm encouragement from a close friend,
Or a word or idea that sparks creation,
Or a new way to tolerate having more fun.
The immense wealth I have I cannot comprehend.
The vibration most plentiful is that of love.

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