Tag Archive | tears

Life As One Cosmos

Profound Consideration

An old woman of one hundred four years of age
With hair down to her knees dances wildly about
Sometimes singing and laughing but with tears flowing.
An ecstatic life she lives. She loves everything
As it is without judgement or lingering doubt.
With all things she’s ready and willing to engage.

To know life beyond physical limitations,
Psychological structures, and what is perceived
Is to know life as it is happening right now.
All is one living cosmos. How can one know how
To feel anything different than what’s believed?
Is there hope for we young inexperienced ones?

She shows intense emotion just feeding the ants.
Because she is empathic she knows how it feels
For all creatures to feel love come on randomly.
I will kill ants on sight. They mean nothing to me
But an absolute menace. My hatred reveals
That I’m not quite there yet. What an odd circumstance!

I would not get a scolding for being this way
Nor would she try to stop my incongruous act.
With her laughter and tears flowing I’ll understand
 Why her love and compassion are awfully grand.
What we do here may have an unrighteous impact.
Am I willing to carry along come what may?

If Tomorrow Starts Without Me

Welcoming Death

Tomorrow starts without me. Someday it shall be.
Should the sun rise and find your eyes dampened with tears,
Please don’t cry while you’re thinking of those things unsaid.
I know how much you care for me. Tears that are shed
Speak for you and me also, and I have no fears
For a place has been readied in heaven for me.

If it should start with out me, know that what’s occurred
Is that my name was called. Then, taken by the hand,
I was told I must leave earth and all that I love
And ascend to the kingdom of heaven above.
I cannot argue with what the Big One has planned.
As I looked back, a tear fell, and your voice was heard.

It seems almost impossible I’m without you
And can’t hug you goodbye. How I want you to smile.
Emptiness, memories, and sorrows I’ve become.
When I think of the things of the world I grow numb
At the thought of your sorrow. Yet after a while,
I rejoice in the new work I’m given to do.

And when I walked through heaven’s gates I felt at home.
God looked down upon me from a huge golden throne
And said, “This is eternity. All that I said
Will be yours is now yours. You have nothing to dread.”
I’m now ready to give up the earth life I’d known.

In the realm of eternity is where I roam.