Tag Archive | schools

Educated Delusion

Degredation Of Sheepskin

Socioeconomic conditions prevail
That are nowhere near perfect. The rich and the poor
Have a chasm between them a galaxy wide.
The world’s uneducated are lacking in pride.
If one has not a sheepskin then closed is the door
To a life of fulfillment. This is a sad tale.

Need it be this way always as always it’s been?
Social class structures are part of human nature.
We cannot get around that, although it’s been tried,
But with failure and bloodshed. The growing divide
Among people in this way does not have a cure
Short of total collapse and then starting again.

Working class pawns are uniformed in suit and tie.
The neck must be encircled to show ownership
Of one’s time and behavior for indentured pay.
Do I like doing what I must do everyday
To maintain my existence? I’ll button my lip
To avoid condescension and stick with a lie.

Educational systems are pawn factories.
In assembly line fashion, workers are produced.
When curricula match students’ abilities
And their natural aptitudes, then with much ease
They’ll absorb like sponges and boredom is reduced.
Educated Delusion is not expertise.

Who’s Teaching Who?


They should know I’m their teacher, and that they are mine.
This I too should remember whenever I see
That odd look on their faces. I need not ask why.
They don’t know what to make of me and wouldn’t try
To enlighten me, knowing how miffed I might be.
In their utter politeness, they say things are fine.

Two or more in alignment with all who they are
Can get down to the business of why we are here.
They are purer, not bothered by narrow beliefs.
We can still be a tribe and yet have many chiefs.
I know more about many things. I have no fear
That they will become arrogant like the rock star.

I seem locked in slow motion to them. This I know.
They are curt and impatient when I’m off my game.
Is this attitude worthy of students who care?
I’ll salute their sincerity but not their stare.
Were not student and teacher both one and the same,
We might all miss the lesson, then no one would grow.

The School System


All God’s children need schooling. We’ve made it the law.
Education provides an opportunity
To bump up against people of various views,
And to find one’s own balance among favored clues.
It’s a functioning system, though arguably.
And for most, there are many conclusions to draw.

Parent, student and child can be on the same page.
It’s a matter of knowing we are all in school.
We each teach one another alignment or not
With the Source of wellbeing we may have forgot.
This, the most trusted lesson, can be the best tool
For maintaining one’s balance upon the life stage.

She may say, “Mom, I’m out of here; I’ve had enough!”
As she rampages on in her righteous disgust.
Just remind her it’s OK to quit school and go,
But wherever she goes, her contempt is in tow.
When lessons become meaningless, it’s best to trust
In one’s Source’s curriculum and better stuff.