Tag Archive | Positive Feeling

Can I Ask Myself This?

The Biggest Question

Intense interrogation is not justified,
Nor is it ever needed, so I can relax
And not see life as too complex to comprehend.
May my question be simple that I may transcend
Past despair and confusion. Self-undoing acts
Unbecoming reflect not who I am inside.

The mind, strangely erotic, will fully indulge
Packages from Pandora to get itself off.
Fetishes unprotected, like questions complex,
Often yield the wrong answers besides kinky sex.
I shall keep the shit simple. Myself I’ll not scoff,
Nor my ego’s illogic I’ll care to divulge.

The earth spins in its orbit. Is this a big deal?
The degree of complexity cannot be known.
Did the sun rise this morning? That’s surely enough
For this mind God made simple that it may rebuff
Convoluted analysis. Let me be shown
What is best for my purpose by how well I feel.

The question of most import is easy to ask
In each moment. The answer comes effortlessly.
“What do I prefer right now that satisfies me?”
Practicing making choices this way is the key

To attracting the life l want. To clearly see
Requires only my focus. I’m up for the task.