Tag Archive | human species

Using Authentic Power

Badge Of Power

What is power? What does it really mean to you?
If you’re not at home in the world you live in the
Fear of one who can never truly relax and
Enjoy life. Where’s the power in that? Understand
That the power you think you have may often be
Of an external nature. So, what can you do?

There are many symbols of power like the gun,
The jet fighter, the bullet, the military,
The policeman, or anyone who has control
Over people and big things. Do you play a role
In the external drama? Can you see clearly
That external power is a dark solution?

It’s the same kind of power that we used to make
Tools, weapons, and shelter among other good things
And today that power creates technology.
To control and manipulate now can only
Produce violence and trauma. When the heart sings
Our culture wants us to think that it’s a mistake.

True power happens when your personality
Is aligned with your soul’s purpose. We’re evolving
Past the addiction to external power. We
Exalt it. When we do, we’re not able to see
The soul’s purpose which to you should be everything.
You will find yourself living authentically.

Dirty Double Dog Stare

Benign Absurdity

May we be made aware of the Double Dog Stare
Most specifically, the discrete dirty ones?
Truthfully, dogs don’t give them. They get them from us.
When they behave more like us, we make such a fuss.
They have become, for many, our daughters and sons
And when they misbehave, we still give them our care.

I cannot take for granted what’s in a dog’s face
Because it leads directly to that creature’s heart.
The connection exists between mind and the soul.
Each can know of the other to make knowing whole.
They are friends with much love and wisdom to impart
To the whole of humanity as a sick race.

We have keen double vision in how we believe
Our realities mingle. This is how we are.
Is it used for survival within our complex
Constructions of necessity? Nature objects
Such a notion of grandeur as much too bizarre.
Other species can learn from us how to deceive.