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Guidance And Satisfaction

Nurturing Nature

Adapt to your own guidance system and to the
Feeling of satisfaction. Identify and
Isolate what this thing that’s called satisfaction
Really feels like because you are the only one
Who can do that. Of your joy you have full command.
You can tell when you’re on or off track easily.

If you’re off track it may be because you’re under
The influence of others who try to convince
You that happiness is something hard to attain.
The world has its opinions but you must remain
Connected to your guidance. It’s been with you since
The beginning. It’s your best of friends, as it were.

Don’t listen to anything that’s contrary to
Satisfaction. Don’t let yourself get turned around
On your journey by something that doesn’t matter.
Negative emotion can cause dreams to shatter.
Satisfaction is subtle because when it’s found
You may not be aware that it’s happened to you.

When you’re on track you live up to the potential
Of that which you are. Nothing can stand in your way.
Your desire is important and satisfaction
Is the expressway to its manifestation.
The world is your oyster if you’re willing to pay
More attention to those things that are essential.