Tag Archive | Donald Trump

Smoke Enema


We still have breaking news. Like the passing of gas,
It gets people’s attention. It then turns them off.
A few years chasing smoke now. So, where’s the report?
Disappointed and let down, no call to cavort
Motivates me. Indeed, any news I will scoff.
Though their motives are noble, what truth can amass?

Was I expecting clarity? Blow me some more.
It does seem now that our nation is owned by czars.
I’m caught up in conspiracy due to the smoke.
Those who can see right through it know that it’s a joke
To a certain point, then seeing may produce scars
In the psyche. Is that something I can ignore?

Yes, I Can! Not a locked-legged man at the draw,
I am not that apparent an arch enemy
Amid truth reconfigured then pumped up the ass.
I stand with knees adjusted, as ‘this too shall pass’.
It will take time for smoke to clear. Then shall we see?
We’re a nation of antics. To Hell With The Law!

You Ain’t No Popsicle


Would you try to tempt Jesus again were he here?
Anything you would bribe with, you never did own.
Is the hair up the buttock beginning to heat?
You may melt like a popsicle in your defeat.
Why so frigid a tone with our friends you have shown?
Is there something that Putin knows that brings on fear?

So, you ain’t no popsicle compared to oDude
To the north of us. Is that the hair up your ass?
Women would lick his face if he gave them the chance.
And, if he were not married, they would drop their pants.
Unlike you, he’s a gentleman of noble class.
What a Hell of a reason to treat the dude rude.

I am old just as you are, Don Juan past the wane.
It ain’t all about pimping and where best to grab.
Cool orange schmuck on a shtick is what you have become.
It’s ironic. You promised to flush out the ‘scum.’
You’re a loud flashy face with a gift for the gab.
Do the world a full flavor. Go drip down some drain.

Now, does this really feel good? It’s something to do.
It accomplishes not much, but what can I say?
I can’t do anything right off hand except write.
And, as I, the damned topic gets older than right.
I’ll refrain from preparing content for display
That is smelling like anything other than new.