The Magic Realist

What Is Spirituality?

Calm and Balance

It is not about right nor is it about wrong.
It has too many syllables to work with well.
That’s the word, though. The thing is neither about light
Nor some astral existence in God’s divine sight.
That which we know as spirit, within it does dwell.
Spirit is the connection that keeps the soul strong.

Spirituality, though it fills half a line
In its polysyllabic and expansive way,
Saturates the whole being, within and without.
There’s the energy aura that we know about
That extends somewhat past where we think it might stay.
Though we are made of flesh, our design is divine.

I must explore the ultimate limits of me.
I exist to be human as fully as I
Can embrace human nature all ways that I can.
Fundamentals of being derive from one plan
And are at work in each of us. Don’t mystify
What is meant to be simple. Spirit means to be.

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