The Magic Realist

The Importance Of Being Alone

Therapeutic Isolation

I am so at my best when I’m swimming alone
Counter to the direction that others may go.
It’s because I get crazy with my kind around.
There’s too much information that small fish expound.
So it’s much better for me to go with the flow
Of the guidance of Spirit who is ever known.

Sacredness is in Silence. Speaking to no one
For a while or much longer for whiles in-between
The peripheral nonsense that time beacons to,
For the soul, is refreshing. What else would I do
 But to honor the inner self where life is seen
As one evolving moment constantly begun?

Those who cherish alone time may be healthier.
Better organized they are emotionally.
People seek, out of boredom from drama self-made,
Interaction with others. The chance escapade
They may find not fulfilling. My choice is to be
Intimate with my true self who does but occur.

I’m aware that I’m mortal. Time moves at a pace
Universal to all creatures, yet good times seem
To be short in duration. Those of misery
Linger on for what feels like an eternity.
Every moment I have can be lived like a dream
Where the things of importance are all I embrace.

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