The Magic Realist

The Collector

Easy Appeal to a Broad Audience

Constantly I collect things. Are they of much use
In my everyday living? Or are they a waste
Of my precious soul’s energy? Should I take care
That some of what I’ve gathered may cause me despair?
If I get rid of some of them are they erased
Completely from my memory as in ‘Vamoose?’

What I have does fulfill me. Some I must let go.
Since I no longer need them, why keep them around?
Do I feel I will want them at some future time?
I should be in the moment where life is sublime.
Things I feel that are lost now are not to be found
In the past nor the future. This I should well know.

To achieve complete oneness the balance I seek
Must involve getting rid of the things I don’t need
If I see them as clutter. The urge to collect
Is one thing that I have and that I can perfect
With some careful attention. It could turn to greed
Which can lead to disaster and make the soul weak.

When attached with emotion to things that I own
I may feel they’re a part of me. This is the flaw
In the otherwise logical process of thought.
If and when it’s discovered in grace I am taught
That the things of most value are those that bring awe
To my humble existence, as living has shown.

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