The Magic Realist

Taking It Easy

Basking In Simplicity

Difficult it is for me to feel any way
But completely at peace. The contentment I know
In this breathtaking moment I do wish would last
But reality feeds an uncertain broadcast.
My perceptive antenna receives overflow.
Hazardous transmissions lead my spirit astray.

My feelings are lighthearted. My nature is sweet.
It occurs maybe often, but now I’m aware
Of a purer vibration… perhaps of the soul.
When I’m bitter, my deeds can get out of control.
Windows of opportunity are rather rare.
I had better choose not to keep life incomplete.

I don’t feel much like working… except doing this.
It’s becomes more like leisure. Hoping it won’t show
Is not even an issue. Is anyone here?
Could it be that I’m just not a fucking Shakespeare?
Dandelions or dicks ether a person can blow
And to Hell with the latter! I’ll stay in my bliss.

Perseverance is effortless. Looking ahead
Or behind to past failures and foolish false starts
Is an exercise futile. As all are the same,
Everyone enjoys freedom. My infinite aim
Is to bask in my blindness as spirit imparts
All I need in this moment. I am not misled.

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