The Magic Realist

Sunday With Spirit

Peaceful Transformation

Nothing is wrong in Kansas as far as I see,
And I must see it that way if I’m to survive.
Transformation of vision comes with some practice.
Things that I believe wrongly I’m free to dismiss.
All that I know I’m ready to sort and archive.
Everything I belong to becomes part of me.

There are people who care about me that I know.
It is not out of pretense that they express it.
Had I not thought that these people had it in them?
The light of my life force shines but ever so dim…
Much too often and too much for me to admit.
Is it time for what I hold to kindly let go?

Awakened to the true love that does surround me,
Do I feel not deserving still due to my shame?
And can I show my sorrow, although it is true,
To myself and the universe? What can I do
To receive people’s love? Does this life that I claim
Have a sense of direction spiritually?

If my life had no guidance then would it be so
That I have many choices to throw me off track?
If I offer the question, my path I must know
At a much deeper level. It’s time I let go
Of constant self-undoing and never look back
At the life gone asunder played out long ago.

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