The Magic Realist

Rise Up!

Awaken To The Call Of Life

Do not turn to look at every beggar that calls.
You belong to me only. Don’t sell yourself short
For you have been made priceless. You do part the waves
With your staff just as Moses and as Jesus saves.
Blow the breath of life as they did and do exhort
Yourself to all the blessing that from heaven falls.

You are the light – the same light that is Mohammed,
And you shatter the mirrors of the beautiful.
You are the dazzling Joseph. You are the same air
As the teachers of old who show you how to tear
Through the cloak of fog and all the resident bull.
You are wonderful and of divinity bred.

Break away from the unscrupulous. Do not fall
For the deceit of ghouls. You are from the highest
High by spirit. You are deathless. Magnificent
From within you are, and by design you were meant
To belong to the glorious. Know that you’re blessed.
Do not ever think that your life is cheap and small.

You are still veiled, but one dawn, and bright as the sun,
You will rise up from within yourself. You will shine.
It’s a shame to be shrouded by flesh in this way.
Like a hawk bound and tethered by its feet you’ll stay.
As your flame radiates it will serve as a sign
That your divinity is a thing not to shun.

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