The Magic Realist

Pugnacity Of Spirit

Emotional Intensity

I speak much of intensity. I could blame that
On my Mars squaring Pluto, but that would be lame
Even though it’s as true as the stars in the sky.
Everyone gets emotional. None can deny
That defending one’s ego cannot cause one blame.
I’ll speak up for myself at the drop of a hat.

Mars now transits my third house. Communicating
Is a passionate issue. I’ll have much to say,
And much with affirmation of what I observe.
Who gives me the damned right and indeed quite the nerve
To present to the world in this pugnacious way?
If there is such an answer, what growth that would bring!

By nature I’m defensive. This world is no joke.
It may be the original sin of my fear
That I share with humanity. We are the same.
Do I fear my own species? If so, who’s to blame?
If I gave up the battle, what outlook austere
Might pretend to befall me? The thought does provoke.

I do get what I need – not always what I crave
And the thing that I offer back in simple grace
Is the force of my presence. Though I’m old and frail
I’ve a tough fighting spirit that can’t but prevail.
If I do feel the need to get in someone’s face
I can do that remotely. That way, I’ll behave.

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