The Magic Realist

One Thing

Unfettered Focus

Concentrating on One Thing is all I need do
Then all else will be handled without my concern.
I can trust that it works, as I’ve done this before.
Blissfully I’ll continue to feel even more
The seduction of pleasure my soul doth discern
Through the magical mist with abundance of hue.

The One Thing I must focus on is how I feel.
I need not get specific… at least for right now.
Simply thinking of nice things that elevate me
Gives sufficient momentum to keep me happy.
From an ecstatic state I am free to allow
Dreams and wishes to manifest and become real.

Each arousal of spirit within me invites
Clarity and alignment to wash over me.
Let the true self in nudity gently partake
Of the pleasure that only surrender can make.
May my fears about failure leave me completely
And my spirit ascend to most ultimate heights.

One Thing safe to rely on when feeling strong need,
Or the lack of some wanted thing, is to adjust
My emotional setpoint to a frequency
That ensures I’m attracting what’s most right for me.
Getting intimate with the true self requires trust
That the consummate union can only succeed.

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