The Magic Realist

Mutual Reinforcement

Strength in the Common Goal

Art and technology work together to make
Sturdy structures of beauty. This building I wear
Is constructed of feeling and rational thought.
Does one precede the other, or are they both caught
Quantum struck into nowness where time is a tear
In the fabric of consciousness while wide awake?

There can be much relief in the planning of things
Far enough in advance and with ample detail
Of the project’s beginning to guarantee you’ll
Not appear as a bumbling incompetent fool.
If I’m built well, I’ll be much less likely to fail.
As the parts work together, contentment it brings.

The building is completed a little each day.
Reinforcing the dwelling to make it secure,
The convergence of talent for ample support
Redefines my aesthetics. And should I fall short
While engaging the process, still I can be sure
That the forces of nature won’t blow me away.

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