The Magic Realist

Manners Of Conception

Many Ways To Manifest

A mother who’s of middle age has a baby.
He’s newborn but adopted which does not matter.
She adores him completely as if he were hers
Biologically – the way that she prefers.
She succumbs to the fear that her dream may shatter.
Intense pain she likes? The answer may be maybe.

She had never been pregnant. Her burning desire
To experience motherhood naturally
Overcomes her clear thinking. She wants to have more
Children and preferably a long time before
She’s unable. Has she missed the point completely?
Is there righteousness in what she wants to acquire?

With the end result most people are most concerned,
But she has what she wanted yet not satisfied
With the process through which it came. What can she do?
She may consider trying to be someone who
Can be satisfied anyway. Her heart will guide
Her through experiences where lessons are learned.

We are scrutinized by the prevailing mindset
About how we accomplish things. We need to do
Things in order to get the results we expect
So that we remain ‘normal.’ There is no ‘correct’
Way to manifest happiness. This point of view
In the long run cannot be a source of regret.

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