The Magic Realist

Life Review


Am I due a review? Am I in one begun?
So consumed with uncertainty, I’m at a loss
To know whether or not I’ve been dead for ten years.
Other souls see right through me. It heightens my fears.
If I can see through others, is my time to cross
Most assured in the shortest while? Is my life done?

This earth seems not a nice place. I’m taken aback.
Fallacious expectations of life making sense
Have not come to fruition. Instead, they reveal
An affront to all meaning. Today, as I feel
My profound discontent and diminished suspense
I see nothing familiar but madness and lack.

Does this mean I have work to do? What should that be?
I do know how to help myself out of this rut.
Guidance is deep within me. I must learn to trust
What has made me existent from cosmic stardust.
When I can’t digest life well, it sits in my gut
Where the threat of its bulk causes me not to see.

My words do have full meaning. My life does make sense.
Only when I am gut wrenched, the bowels and the mind
Cause me to feel invisible. Wounded, therefore,
I may choose to rewrite my whole life from its core.
Not a thing I need do here. My work is designed
To complement eternity with eloquence.

That which is human nature reflects within me
As it does in most anyone given a soul.
Indeed, I’m not The Beacon. I shine in the sight
Of all that is before me. Existence is bright
In its full understanding. What then is my goal?
That I keep the reflection as pure as can be.

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