The Magic Realist

Instant Alignment

A Quick Way To A Moment Of Bliss

It takes much self-control to let go of control.
It’s not easy to do and contrary to all
That I’m asking the universe for everyday.
Screw my determination. It’s best that I pray
That I give up my efforting. It forms a wall
Between me and wellbeing. It’s bad for the soul.

Have I done enough goal setting? Or have I reached
An impasse of performance upon the life stage?
Someone should know these answers. Why isn’t it me?
What on God’s green earth would it take for me to see
That I’m meant to do things where I fully engage
All that I have to offer wherein I’m beseeched?

My life has been created. I caused it to be
Through my thoughts and behaviors. But there’s a lot more.
I can feel myself being called to what I know
Is the right way for me. I’m most willing to go.
If I can but relax, it will open the door
So that goodness can flow freely to and from me.

There is no rush. I don’t have to figure things out.
I am fairly good at being myself by now.
It is natural for things to turn out for me.
When I feel fun in doing, whatever it be,
I’m the willing boat floating who then can allow
This life stream to Align me. I have not a doubt.

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