The Magic Realist

In The Background

Emerging Patterns Behind the Scenes

Curtain Call is the climax. I’m part of the team.
Bringing forth entertainment is bred in my genes.
From the time I was young my desire to shine light
On spectacular talent felt perfectly right.
I prefer open stages (over the big screens)
Where I’m close to the action. My job is a dream.

 Working well with most others and honing my skill,
I believe seventh heaven is what I have found.
Happiness is attention to every detail
To enhance the performance. There’s no room to fail.
Service is my own fine act while In The Background.
I can feel the crowd’s pleasure. It gives me a thrill.

And along with that feeling of utter success
I have much admiration for we who provide
Entertainment to those more evolved with regard
To fine taste and aesthetics. My work isn’t hard.
Rather it’s fascinating. It gives me much pride
To be with wholesome people unfettered by stress.

  Thank God for all the artists. The world they mentor.
Archetypes acted out are life lessons to share
On a platter of silver. The ones who partake,
And in uncommon comfort, will dream while awake.
Other occupations exist but none compare
To the one, over time, I have come to adore.

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