The Magic Realist

I’m Not Here To FIX Anything

Like the Maytag repairman, I came with some tools
And some skills and a passion to find things to fix.
I like breaking things down and then building things up.
If it weren’t for my tasks, I’d be such a sick pup.
I don’t run for office, nor do politics
And perhaps that’s what separates me from most fools.

That would not be the case, though, had I not been told
I’m not here to fix anything. Nothing is broke.
Things are constantly changing and expanding so
There is constant renewal and much room to grow.
So, so much for my fixing; I’m best to unyoke
My life from such missions that make one grow old.

Find release from all struggle and seek to have fun.
Find joy, and in doing so one will align
With the fantastic, expanding rhythm of being
In a universe made for believing and seeing
Wherein any problem will work out just fine.
I’m not here to fix anything under the sun.

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