The Magic Realist

Heart Of The Prankster

Packaged Humor

With a mind for amusement conceived of the heart
And a fun loving spirit, The Prankster appears
To bring rip roaring laughter with ample surprise.
When we’re tickled from inside our spirits will rise.
It’s the job of The Prankster to mitigate fears.
None are fit but the joyful to play such a part.

Those with energy output more powerful than
That of most others have no way to keep it in.
As they peak in excitement, they want to spread fun
In discrete foolish packages smartly home spun.
Yet the trouble they instigate can’t be a sin
So they just get away with it because they can.

Put your faith in The Prankster and know that there’s hope
In the darkest of times when there’s nothing in sight
But mass death and calamity as its response
Instigated by pure greed and shy of nuance.
We have scum among leaders to deal with this plight.
While it’s on, don’t bend over if you drop your soap!

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