The Magic Realist

God Wants Your Moment

The Instant Of Mutual Awareness

Time began with the big bang, and ever since then
Some quadrillions of moments have happened by now.
The majority of them did not involve us
Since we’ve been here a short while in this tremendous
Scape of time linked with motion and space to allow
Infinite form expressing again and again.

Grains of sand on the vast beach are moments we share.
One another we honor and savor the best
That good living can offer. We cherish at least
The emotions felt. Time is the ultimate feast,
And indeed our consumption is rightly expressed
Among those of a network of people who care.

Having started the process a long time ago
And existing outside it, the moments of God
Must be different from ours in some supreme way.
Such a Being is crafty and would love to play
With the fine craft created. So, would it seem odd
That the Creator want’s us to share what we know?

What we know is defective, contingently so.
No one knows the best answer to living life well,
And it gets complicated for most here today.
Joy and Peace are the moments for which I do pray.
In the valley of comfort my spirit shall dwell.
I’ll get used to the nature of God’s loving flow.

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