The Magic Realist

Flight Into Transformation

Marching Through Anticipation

Capable of profound transformation and growth,
This most sensitive creature is cleaver and wise.
Dangers that are of nature, like menacing birds,
He will mitigate not with the power of words,
But with elegant trickery. And for his size,
He’ll engage his opponents and make fools of both.

One must be self-sufficient in eager pursuit
Of the path one must follow to its rightful end.
We need not be aggressive. A sense of humor
And a conscious awareness are parcel and core
And sufficient for living ‘til time to ascend
To the height of our being our most resolute.

A harmless caterpillar is one protected
By its own self-defenses until it can fly.
On the way there’s a big change that has to take place.
It will do that with honor – never in disgrace.
Does it know that some day it will take to the sky?
Or does only the next moment lie just ahead?

Outmaneuvering obstacles scattered my way
With creative endurance is worthwhile advice.
So I take it in earnest, record in delight,
And end this perfect day with these words that I write.
Waking up as a butterfly, is but the price
That I’d pay for the start of another fine day.

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